photo captioning style stolen from my loving blogwife Holly
I'm not going to lie to you guys, this one may have gotten away from me just a little. I may or may not have had plans for the show but I can sure as hell tell you that
Missburrows had plans.
Evil diabolical hilarious sexy plans.
What does that mean for you? That really depends on who you are...
If you're the parent of myself or the lovely Missburrows I would encourage you
not to listen to the show. If you are the parent of anyone else and they are in the room... or the house... or a 3 block radius... I would encourage you to wear headphones.
If you're an employee and within a 3 block radius of your work I encourage you to wear headphones... or um... maybe just wait til later.
It also means that you should start counting the number of times we use the word vagina from the very beginning of the show.
Why? Well you won't know that til towards the end of the show but I assure you it's important.
Are you getting a sense that Strange Love is not for the faint of heart?
I recommend you grab yourself a piece of paper and a pencil and prepare to do some counting....
as always you can listen to the show here,
download it or
subscribe so that you can always be the first to know when I've released a new show full of female terminology...
Next week's guest is a big big secret... mostly because I've asked 3 folks to do the show and haven't had a definite answer from any of them. I guarantee it will be a good one though... somehow.